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Evaluate pretrained super-image models with common image super resolution datasets.

Setting up the Environment#

Install the library#

We will install the super-image and huggingface datasets library using pip install.

pip install -qq datasets super-image

Loading the dataset#

We download the Set5 dataset using the huggingface datasets library.

  • Note that you can change bicubic_x2 to any of [bicubic_x2, bicubic_x3 or bicubic_x4].
  • You can also explore more super resolution datasets here.
from datasets import load_dataset

dataset = load_dataset('eugenesiow/Set5', 'bicubic_x2', split='validation')

If you want to preview the first image (high resolution and the low resolution (half sized) images) from the dataset.

import cv2


Evaluating the Model (Running Inference)#

To evaluate the a model for the PSNR and SSIM metrics we run the following code:

  • EvalDataset(dataset) converts the dataset to an evaluation dataset that can be fed in to a PyTorch dataloader.
  • EdsrModel.from_pretrained - Download and load a small, pre-trained deep-learning model to the model variable. You can replace this with other pretrained models.
  • EvalMetrics().evaluate(model, eval_dataset) - Run the evaluation on the eval_dataset using the model.
from super_image import EdsrModel
from import EvalDataset, EvalMetrics

eval_dataset = EvalDataset(dataset)
model = EdsrModel.from_pretrained('eugenesiow/edsr-base', scale=2)
EvalMetrics().evaluate(model, eval_dataset)

We can see from the output that the PSNR for this model on this dataset is 38.02 and the SSIM is 0.9607.

Try Other Models and Datasets#

  • You can replace the EdsrModel with other pretrained models.
  • You can replace the Set5 dataset with other datasets here.
  • You can try different scales: bicubic_x2, bicubic_x3 or bicubic_x4
  • Compare the performance via the leaderboard.